Interviews for Your Game Story

Quotations are a given for game stories today.  They will add interest to the sports report. Interviews allow you to get information (quotations) you cannot obtain by watching a game.  The purpose of interview is to get specific information and insights that will enhance and add to your game story

You should plan for two or three interviews: a coach and player(s).  However, logistics may make it necessary to get interviews from just players.  Two interviews is the minimum
If possible, try to interview a player who made an impact on the game or a key starter.

  1. Conduct interviews after the game in a formal manner, even if you know the person, and choose an appropriate setting.  If you are going with others from class to the same game, you can conduct a group interview before or after the game.  Interviews at the end of the game are often best.  You could try for both!
  2. Set up the interview in advance, and let each person know the purpose of the interview as well as the time you'll need. Ask if you can contact him or her for any follow-up questions.
  3. Interviews--for each person--should be about 10-15mins., 5-7 Questions. Have extra questions to use in case you have extra time.
  4. You may add interview questions during the game (during halftime or right after the game), depending on how it plays out:  e.g., ask about a big play, mistake, or turning point
  5. Review your game notes. Ask questions that will give you information you do not have.
  6. Use a variety of question types: 1.) open-ended questions--very broad, more than "yes" or "no" 2.) direct open-ended questions--broad but framed; aim for a specific focus 3.) closed-ended questions--"yes" or "no" responses or short answers 4.) restatement questions--restate previous question for modification of previous response.
  7. Questions should be presented to the person in a logical order (not randomly).
  8. Take careful and thorough notes during the interview; review them for accuracy and add your observations afterwards. During the interview, double check direct quotations for accuracy. Record direct quotations you think might be useful for your sports report. Use your game notes to help you.  **You can use your phone to record interviews, but always ask the interviewee before the interview if this is ok.** Write down responses to interview questions even if you are recording them.  Don't rely on a recording alone.
  9. Be sure to thank the interviewee and ask if it is ok to contact him or her with follow-up questions.
  10. Try to do interviews in person, but it is ok to do one via phone or email if necessary. With phone interviews, speak clearly and avoid a monotone voice. It may be necessary to rely on restatement questions. With email interviews, be sure to contact the interview ahead of time and discuss the process you will use. Questions must be clear and specific.  You must be careful not to overwhelm the interviewee with long or complicated questions.