Integrating Sources Exercise for the Research Paper

Use this with the research source handout given to you in class. The text below represents the thesis statement and one paragraph from an essay. Using the research source handout (Water Safety), integrate the appropriate source into the body paragraph.

Thesis: Implementing a variety of educational initiatives about water safety, including courses, movies on life saving, and swimming, in the nation's high schools would greatly reduce the number of water deaths each year.

The most effective and easy educational initiative to incorporate into the curriculum is water safety courses. Although some school official balk at this proposal, largely because of cost, they are really not as difficult to include in the curriculum as they think. To more effectively counteract the cost of the water safety programs, schools could easily insert condensed units into any required health or gym class. This would result in a minor increase of the school budget while giving students the information on water safety that they really need.